Painfully Bad... But Hilarious Sunburn Photos



A world where the line between fun in the sun and painful consequences blurs into a vibrant display of sunburn fails. From lobster-red shoulders to comically mismatched tan lines, these visual anecdotes elicit a mixture of sympathy and amusement. Get ready to cringe and chuckle at the same time as you delve into this gallery that highlights the painful consequences of underestimating the mighty sun.

Lesson Learned

I bet they remember to use sun screen next time.

Both of them are emitting so much heat they could fry an egg. This is actually very dangerous. Getting medical attention is probably a good idea.

Bib of Pain

"I went out on a boat without sunscreen today, and now I have the bib of pain."

In 20 years, this girl will regret this so much. The burned area is going to age and scar way before it should!

Spot the Tourist

As a native Floridian, I play the spot the tourist game all the time.

It looks like a spandex suit at first. Stop shopping for loofahs and make your way to the Aloe aisle.

Sunburnt Steve

I'm not sure if his name is actually Steve, but it fits, doesn't it?

Redheads don't burn at the beach. They burn on the way to the beach!

Hat Head

Wearing a hat will suffice, I don't need sunscreen.

When you're bald, you need to take extra precautions. Though his head did not burn, he now has to live with the looks of an egghead.


In any case, at least it's a symmetrical pattern.

There's no reason for her to be upset with this intense burn. It would look really dumb if the lines were messed up. Her temporary tattoo turned out to be nice.


Are these Sasquatch legs or the newest legging trend?

How much sun exposure do you need to have to be this tan? It looks like he trims the hair on his feet like he does on his beard.

Crispy Kim

Kim Kardashian unintentionally aged her skin 20 years thanks to this burn.

She has probably retouched her face enough times since then to make up for this. That's one embarrassing tan line, either way.

Laugh For Now

He's only laughing now because the sting hasn't yet set in.

With a burn of that intensity, he'll be out for days. Looking at it almost hurts your eyes.

White Swimsuit?

At first glance, you probably thought this was a white swimsuit top.

Nope, it's just another young person ignoring the sun's power. I'm sure this one is as painful as it is embarrassing.

Suns Out, Guns Out

It's like he's a reverse ninja turtle.

Poor ginger. Never stood a chance. And as a ginger, there will be no tan. The red will return to its pasty white color in a week.

Danger Danger

Without sunscreen, falling asleep on a beach can have serious consequences.

One can only hope he's covered in Aloe cooling gel. That burn looks like it covers his entire body.

Bikini Burn

There is a magnifying effect on the burn here. I feel her pain through the screen.

The woman's red raw back was left with a surprisingly detailed mark from her bikini strap.

Which Way Is The Beach

Slap him, he's just asking for it.

If he has friends who don't know when not to joke around, he'd better steer clear. Maybe he fell asleep with his hand on his stomach, but now he's just asking to be slapped.

One Piece

Time to even this tan up!

She clearly wore a one-piece on the first day of her beach vacation. She's smart enough to wear a bikini on day 2 to even things out.

Croc Burn

Sunrays will penetrate anything left uncovered, including these tiny holes.

In these rubber shoes, the man thought his feet would be protected from the sun, but the rays still penetrated.

That Face

A hat and a pair of sunglasses just won't cut it.

Although someone definitely told him to use sunscreen, he looks pretty pleased with himself. It's never enough to just wear a hat and sunglasses. We can learn a lot from this guy.

White Socks

Looking at this is actually very pleasing. It's hard to look away.

The tan line on this woman looks like she's wearing bright pink leggings and white socks.

E for Effort

Reaching the middle of your back without help is impossible!

It is clear that this man tried to protect himself from the sun, but didn't apply sunscreen evenly. Ask for help next time!

0 Given

This man has no interest in his health.

Despite losing that layer of skin to the sun, he did not lose his sense of humor. If someone else got a laugh out of this, that's probably all that matters.

Not So Happy

The fastest way to ruin a great birthday is to do this.

She looked thrilled in the first photo, and then probably spent the entire party out in the sun without realizing how she'd look when she came in.

The Last Airbender

This is hilarious, you gotta admit.

It is likely that any other person without hair would also try this, and we cannot blame them. It would certainly be easier to simply draw the arrow on.

Matching Bros

Now these like-minded pals have a lot in common.

That's an adorably painful way to show your pet you love them.

Patrick Star

Fans of Spongebob, tell me that's not Patrick in real life.

Patrick Star aesthetic, matched. No, this isn't the Krusty Krab. It's just a guy who forgot his sunscreen for hours and is paying the price.

Athletic Burn

An awful burn won't be averted by your cute leggings.

The pattern left this woman looking pretty scaley. When it starts peeling, who knows how much worse it will look.

Spray Fail

The trials of spray sunscreen on a windy day affected the entire family.

At least they are suffering the consequences of not being more thorough together, even though they may have really bad patchy burns.

Crisp Knees

First lesson: wear shorts in the summer. Ripped jeans are not it.

If you're going to burn your legs, commit and burn them all the way. It looks ridiculous to have burnt knees.

Popsicle Person

After eating a popsicle, you transform into one.

If your burn matches your favorite summer treat, it's probably time to take a moment to reflect. Stop forgetting your sunscreen already, people.

Got Spirit

He is not the same person he used to be.

When you realize that the marker is actually sun-resistant, it can ruin a pep rally. His whole face and body have a perfect copy of the burn.


Whatever you do, don't try to even it out.

If you do, you'll look very Neopolitan. The method has been tried and failed by us all. Let the burn look terrible for a while rather than further aggravate it.

Tramp Stamp

There's at least one thing good about this tramp stamp: it's not permanent.

He spent all day painting a deck, only to come back inside and find a reminder of his hard work. Don't worry, it'll fade.


The way this burn appears resembles a creepy alien from a sci-fi film.

While the burn itself isn't too bad, the strange shading from the Henna tattoo she had appeared in the oddest way. You now know that you should not expose your henna tattoo to the sun.

Even-It-Out Attempt

You're too far gone for this to work.

Fortunately, his top half of his body isn't lobster-red but rather super tanned. He better be careful with his legs...


Girl, you've got to lose that necklace.

Do you really need to put yourself through this pain? You can see how intense those lines are. Go lay down with an ice pack for a day... or five.


His mugshot told the whole town that he spent too much time in the sun in a bandana.

There must have been plenty of jokes at the station. His two-toned face probably earned him a special nickname from the police.

SPF 1000

The fact that fair-skinned people burn more easily is not a myth.

A hard lesson was learned by this girl. Red heads and the sun just don't mix.


The burn almost perfectly mimics a neon pink t-shirt.

From a distance, he almost appears normal. Close up, you can see his eyes are swollen with pain.

The Pain

She looks like she is wearing a white halter top from a distance.

On closer inspection, it appears to be the worst burn she has ever experienced. Her tattoo might even need to be reworked if the peeling is too severe.

Classic Dad

A classic sunburn that you'd expect to see on a dad at the beach.

The hat probably needs to be left on for a couple of weeks, or he should at least remember to spray the back of his head the next time he wears it.

Zebra Tan

Sunscreen spray also has a downside, as you can see here.

This is exactly what will happen if you don't spray evenly. Staying inside is the only sure way to avoid bad burns.

Not A Good Look

It looks like he is very proud of himself for earning a tan line on his bikini top.

How long do you think it took for that to imprint itself on his chest? The correct answer is way too long.

Deep Cut V-Neck

The classic V-neck t-shirt never goes out of style.

Unfortunately for this guy he picked the wrong day to wear it. The sun doesn't give free passes.

Take off the Tags

That brand new bikini wasn't the best choice for a day in the sun after all.

She could probably get a lot of money back if she included her pain and suffering on the receipt when returning the swimsuit.

Double Bicep

I'm not talking about strong muscles, but a strong will if this burn is to heal properly.

It looks like his friend is taking good care of him and getting him Aloe and lots of Advil.

Unintentional Roast

Her midriff won't be seen for a long time.

This is a perfect burn, and she will feel the effects of those lost hours in the sun for days afterward. It's only in one place, so that's good.

Classic Smiley

He is extremely happy with the work he has done.

Smiley faces are an old-fashioned prank that never fails. You have to admit, the form is pretty good.

"Knot" So Lucky

She definitely fell asleep for a few hours too long.

She only has one tan line to worry about. I can't imagine how unbearable it would be if there were more straps on the bathing suit.


The fact that he is flexing in this photo implies that this "design" was totally intentional.

His method is completely a mystery. You can tell it took a lot of effort and time to create this.

Ski Goggles

Nothing is better than taking a sick day and coming into the office the next day with goggle tan lines.

Sorry boss, I'm sick and carving on the mountain today. I'm starting to feel better though, I should be back tomorrow.

Just The Shoulders

There didn't seem to be anyone who could help him.

The lower back is one of the worst places to get burned. There won't be much time for him to relax.

Melted Ice Cream

She got an awful burn on her thighs, and whatever she was eating melted all over her.

That's two discouraging situations rolled into one. She probably sizzled for days.

Mr. America

Did he win the title?

This burn would put all the other Miss America contestants to shame. Looks like everyone involved got a good laugh out of it.

Bat Signal

Holy SPF, Batman! Was it worth the effort?

Sure, it looks cool now, but it will be painful for a long, long time. It would have been easier to get a Batman tattoo!

Cooked Well Done

There is tragedy in every aspect of this image.

From the fading burn up his arm to the tomato-red face of this guy. His hair even looks a little crispy. He needs to go inside for a while.

Tushy Burn

Regardless of how this happened, it appears to be extremely painful.

The only consolation is that she did get a tan. Just one more painful stripe will make sitting down very uncomfortable.

Inverted Farmer's Tan

At least his whole body wasn't burned?

He definitely fell asleep on the beach, and his friends didn't wake him up. It looks like this burn is the most painful one so far.

Forehead Imprint

Backwards hat and lack of sunscreen resulted in a burnt hat imprint on his forehead.

These pictures are making me thankful I have hair. Remember to apply sunscreen to your head if you plan to shave it!

Rub It In

PSA: Don't forget to rub sunscreen in even if you're using spray sunscreen.

The smile on his face says "no big deal" but the look in his eyes says "pain." On the bright side, at least we know it works.

Chocos Tan

Is everyone wearing the same shoes?

You can bet money that this is a group of camp counselors! Probably part of their uniform.

Perfect Rectangle

"I am not accepting hugs at this time."

Did you even try to put sunscreen on your back? Welcome to the stomach sleeper club.


If you've ever seen the movie Hellboy, that's exactly where my mind went first with this image.

When you're having fun you don't realize it until it's too late. Hopefully the fun was worth it because he's got a couple brutal days ahead of him.

Redhead Reminder

When you forget to put sunscreen on your face, but at least remember your glasses.

Redheads should know better! This is inexcusable, let's revoke their redhead card!


He must have confused sunscreen with axe body spray.

He got that axe effect there, didn't he? What happened that caused the bandaids to be needed?

Another Redhead Casuality

In daylight, redheads should stay indoors.

Unlike vampires, you feel the pain. Every 30 minutes, reapply SPF-100.

Helmet Strap Tan

Is there something wrong with his hands?

What vehicle does he currently drive? Is there an invisible wheel?

Oh Dear Lord

A handprint on the shoulder tells the whole story.

His right shoulder looks so painful with oozing blisters! Ask for help next time, even if it hurts your pride.

Leather Man

A tanned leg compared to an untanned foot in this photo is astounding.

From afar, you might think this person is only wearing socks. Nope - they're just the tannest person ever.


Hopefully, she said yes for his skin's sake.

It's certainly one way to propose that hasn't been tried before. In case she says no, he can always ask someone else.

Roll-On Sunscreen

There are some downsides to roll-on lotions.

Take a look at those streaks! Not only did she completely miss her chest, but she also has an uneven stomach.

Wardrobe Change

You have to stick with one style!

The woman didn't consider the fact that if she'd already tanned in one bathing suit, she probably shouldn't switch to another with such different straps.

Neapolitan Ice Cream

"The shorts I bought are shorter than the ones I wear for work."

"My leg now looks like Neapolitan ice cream." Once you see it, you can't unsee it.

Two Different People

This glorious tan combo is inevitable if you work outside.

Where I'm from, we call this the Farmer's Tan. An instant giveaway for a blue collar worker.


Oh, my god, that looks like it needs medical attention.

It's so red it almost looks fake. This should probably be #1 on the list.

Ripped Jeans

Is the ripped jeans trend over yet?

You need to earn the rips, not buy them. Let's retire this trend already.

Nice Tattoo

You've got a good sunscreen there. Put it all over!

This really showed how useful sunscreen is compared to socks when hiking.

"I Won’t Need Sunscreen”

"I'm not going to be in the pool that long, I'll be ok."

Ten minutes or less is all it takes. You can burn even on a cloudy day. The health risks associated with sunburn are real. Skin cancer is no joke.


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